Strategic Engagement Areas


Food Fortification

SBN plays an important role in organizing involved companies and advocating for a better enabling environment for food fortification, including standards and logo development, and monitoring systems; in promoting business development and innovation in fortified food production through supporting joint research, sharing knowledge, participating in the global SBN business pitch competition, and through facilitating partnerships; in facilitating linkages between fortified food suppliers and markets (e.g. larger companies, healthy workplace programs, schools and other institutional buyers); and in supporting promoting fortified food through consumer campaigns.


Food Safety

SBN in collaboration with existing initiatives can play a strengthening role in advocating for accreditation, rating, and an awards framework for quality, safety and hygiene; also in promoting business development and innovation in new healthy and safe food production through joint research, sharing knowledge with large but particularly also SME food companies; in participating in the global SBN business pitch competition, and facilitating partnerships; in marketing safe and nutritious food; and in creating awareness about the importance of eating safe and healthy food.


Workplace Nutrition

SBN Myanmar shares learnings from practice in other SBNs around health and nutrition interventions in and around the workplace; to facilitate engagement with (garments) factories and other large companies (e.g. in the financial sector) in order to set up programs to promote eating healthy in and around the workplace. It can also play a role in linking healthy food suppliers (e.g. fortified foods) to factories. The Nutrition in the workplace focus-group can share its knowledge with policy makers and provide advice on developing comprehensive guidelines for workplace nutrition.


Consumer Awareness and Demand Creation

SBN plays an important role in generating nutrition awareness amongst both businesses and food consumers. Setting up the SBN in itself will contribute to awareness creation on the importance of nutrition and on the role that companies have to play. Together with non-profit organizations, SBN members could initiate active nutrition communication to make Myanmar consumers more aware of the importance of nutrition and eating healthy and diversely.