

Optical nutrition is essential for achieving sevetal of the Sustainable Development Goals, and many SDGs impact nutrition security. Nutrition is hence linked to goals and indicators beyond Goal 2 which address hunger. A multisectoral nutrition security approach is necessary for success.

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SBN is the dedicated network of SUN Movement for the engagement of business. At SBN, we convene business with other stakeholders to call businesses to act to contribute to achieving the vision of SUN. Through this, SBN promotes the transformative ways of working together. We engage with strategically-placed businesses in the priority areas in adherence with the overarching principles of SUN and SBN. The business entities are then engaged in targeted awareness and advocacy activities to identify potential actions and commit to actions.

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Together with business and other stakeholders, we assess the context to understand the opportunities and pathways for business to contribute to improving nutrition. In the same vein, we determine the barriers that constrain businesses to act on improving nutrition and identify possible solutions that can unlock business actions.

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To unlock business actions, SBN facilitates businesses through direct technical support, access to knowledge/information, the development of vertical and horizontal linkages, and brokering partnerships.

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Businesses need to work with other stakeholders for collective actions. SBN is a platform to advocate businesses in national nutrition planning and include their perspective for creating enabling environment for businesses to accelerate business actions.