Strategy Snapshot

SBN Myanmar’s Strategy was developed in 2019 after conducting a landscaping to explore opportunities for private sector engagement for improved nutrition and an extensive stakeholder consultation. SBN Myanmar is now strategic platform to highlight business role improving nutrition and engage businesses and accelerate their actions to improve nutrition in Myanmar. SBN Myanmar strategy for 2019-21 is focused on establishing and strengthening of SBN platform in Myanmar and priorised 4 thematic areas including food fortification, food safety, workplace nutrition and consumer awareness to engage business and other stakeholders.

SBN focuses on food businesses and labor-intensive non-food business factories to deliver better nutrition to the low and middle-income people in Myanmar.

  • Engage business and secure commitment to act and invest in nutrition. Conduct business needs assessment and provide technical support and develop linkages of businesses with technical assistance and support services providers to improve their practices to act and scale up their actions.
  • Assess the business environment and food sector and brings up the key issues that limit businesses to act and invest in delivering safe, nutritious food and provides a forum to improve policies, standards and regulations to increase demand, production and supply of safe, nutritious food
  • Make available knowledge documents and tools to capacitate its member businesses and private sector at large to improve their capacity and practices
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SUN Strategy 2021 - 2025 ( English )