SBN Annual General Meeting

In 2022, the SBN Myanmar organized its first Annual General Meeting (AGM). The meeting held on 29 July 2022. The event brought together key stakeholders including Civil Society organizations, International NGOs, UN Agencies, donors and private sector entities to present the progress and the way forward of SBN.

During the event the new SBN Executive Board members including Chair and Co-Chair took oath and charge of office for the next term 2022-24. Elected Board members for the new term are representatives from the Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF), Myanmar Innovative Life Sciences (MILS), Unilever, Wilmar Myanmar Limited and New A1 Family Co., Ltd. The Board members elected Mr. Kyaw Thu Htet of Myanmar Innovative Life Sciences (MILS) as the SBN Chair and (Mrs. Aye Aye Than of Wilmar Myanmar Limited as Co-chair of SBN Myanmar.