
SBN Myanmar Governance structure

action plan


Membership Eligibility Criteria
The membership shall be granted only to private sector entities represented by individual(s) (s). Membership of the Network may be given if
  1. the entity has a common interest common with Network’s strategic goals
  2. the entity exhibits a willingness to commit to contributing to achieving the goals of SBN
  3. the entity does not meet the exclusionary criteria
  4. the entity meets the requirements set out in the principles of engagement of the Network and
  5. the entity pays the membership fee set out by the Board from time to time. All memberships shall be granted upon recommendations of to the Board by the Membership Committee and a majority vote of the board.
Any entity whose membership application is approved by the Executive Board of SBN with the recommendation of the Membership Committee.
Rights of Members
Each member shall be eligible to appoint one voting representative to cast the member’s vote in the Board Elections. Members with at least 1 year membership history can contest Executive Board Elections. Members can also join or nominated as thematic working group(s) as member, group lead, co-lead.
Duration and Reval of memberships
The membership is given initially for 3 years and is subject to renewal based on the successful performance of the members every 2 years. Upon membership, the members need to make specific, measurable and time-bound commitments to contribute to improving nutrition in Myanmar in line with SBN's strategy. The commitments are baselined and benchmarked. Each member shall make tangible progress and demonstrate and communicate results to the Network. The members shall apply for renewal of membership one month before the expiry of the membership period.
Memberships Procedure
Any private sector entity interested in SBN membership can apply using the official membership form. Applicant entities must identify commitments areas and potential actions in the given application form at the time of submission of membership for strategic relevance.
Evaluation of Membership
The Membership Committee (MC) evaluates and approves the membership after going through a Due Diligence (DD) process. If a membership application meets the criteria through the DD process, the Membership Committee shall recommend the applicant for membership to the Executive Board for endorsement.

Executive Boards

Roles & Responsibilities
Oversees efforts to align support for SBN, its Thematic Working Groups and Members to achieve results by encouraging that:
  • Appropriate mechanisms are in place to track the impact and implementation of the strategy and advise the SBN Coordinator on the course corrections required.
  • The work of the SBN Myanmar is aligned with the strategic objectives of SUN Movement, SUN Networks and the national nutrition priorities and they are adequately resourced;
  • The providers of assistance are organised in ways that enable support that is timely and predictable, efficient and effective, relevant and prioritised.
  • Strategy implementation resources and structures are in place and progress is made in all thematic and priority areas outlined in the SBN Strategy and Action Plans.
Ensure that the Principles of Engagements are followed in the engagement with the private sector.
Board Members
The members shall consist of seven elected individuals. The Board Members are elected by General Body Members through an electoral process. One seat shall be allocated to members from each thematic area. Board Membership will be renewable not more than 2 terms. A member can contest board election after completing 1 term break.
Terms & Election
Board Members shall serve a two (2) year term. The Board members will be appointed every year during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) unless there is a vacancy. Vacancies shall be filled by the Board Member by appointing a new Board Member from the GBM. All members with at least one year membership history can contest executive board election. Members whose membership is terminated or not renewed after expiry of membership are not eligible to contest executive board election. The term of office of any individual director shall terminate upon the effective date of his or her resignation, which may be made at any time by giving notice thereof in writing; upon his or her death; or breach of the Principles of Engagement of the Network; and or disqualification as Member as per the Membership Criteria.
The Board shall meet twice a year for Bi-annual meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the Chair or Coordinator/Secretary upon the written request of one-third of the Board. Regular or special meetings may be held as the Board may determine in advance.
At least seven (7) days' notice shall be given to each board member of a regular meeting of the Board, provided that the Network may provide a single notice of all regularly scheduled meetings for that year without having to give notice of each meeting individually.
Voting. One-half (1/2) of the entire membership of the SBN Board Members then in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business.
No Board Member shall be compensated for his or her service as a Board Member unless otherwise decided by the Executive Board. The Board Members may be reimbursed for expenses incurred to participate in meetings of the Board and while otherwise acting on behalf of the Network

Office Bearers

The Office Bearers of the Network shall consist of a Chair, Co-Chair, and such other officers and assistant officers as the Executive Board may from time to time elect. The Coordinator of the Network shall act as the secretary of the Executive Board.


The officers shall be elected by the Board and shall hold office for a one-year term from the effective date of their election. An individual may serve as an Officer for succeeding terms without limitation. The term of office of any office bearer shall terminate upon the effective date of his or her resignation submitted orally or in writing to the Board; upon his or her death; or upon a majority vote of the Board to remove him or her from office or cancellation of membership.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee consists of four members. The members shall include the Founder/Co-convenor of SBN/WFP, Coordinator of Country SUN Nework, and 2 SBN members nominated by SBN’s Executive Board (EB).

Working Group(s)

  • The Network shall form a thematic/technical working group per thematic area or technical issues as deemed necessary. The working group shall be led by a Group Lead and where necessary co-group lead chosen by the members of the Working Group. The membership of the Working group may include SBN members and external entities/stakeholders
  • Roles of the Working Groups: The group shall be responsible, accountable and have the authority to strategize, plan and execute activities to achieve the thematic objectives of the Network.
  • It assures bi-annual report on qualitative and quantitative progress to SBN secretariat/Board as wellas key challenges it faces and solutions it is considering every quarter
  • At least annually it summarizes key business and policy actions that should consider taken for their respective thematic areas.

Election Committee

  • The Election Committee is delegated with the authority to fully conduct the election from announcing the election to evaluating nominations, issuing a list of candidates, conducting election polls, counting votes, and communicating the results of the elections. The Election Committee shall be accountable for ensuring a fair process and providing complete documentation of the process of the election following the rules of the election of the Network.
  • The Election Committee may consist of non-contesting members, non-members from sister networks or collaborating partners of the Network.
  • The Election Committee shall be nominated jointly by the Board and the Co-convenor. The Election Committee shall conduct the SBN election of the SBN Board and Office Bearers in accordance with the rules of elections.